Very sore today after the first boot camp for three weeks yesterday - I believe it's called DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). It was really hard going in the snow, and it always feels like I'm starting from scratch if I even have a week off. Still, I'm hoping that weekly boot camp - run by http://www.creatingchaos.co.uk/ - (shown here in an attractive photo of me with my bum in the air!)will strengthen my legs enough to keep me running the full 26.2 miles.
Marathon school is starting next week, which I'm very excited about. It's going to be two hours of training every Thursday for the next 13 weeks. Mick Brearley who's running it has sent me through my training plan and I'm pleased to note it doesn't look anywhere near as daunting as I expected. In fact, I think I've been doing okay so far. The plan is broken down into four phases: endurance phase, lactate threshold, race preparation and taper. I'm going to adapt it slightly to fit in with club training nights.
So, the next four weeks will look something like this:
Monday - 30 minutes steady
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - 1 hour easy
Thursday - 5k time trial/fartlek/hills/long tempo
Friday - 45 minutes steady
Saturday - Boot camp
Sunday - 80 minutes rising to 2 hours easy.
Goodbye social life or any other interesting offers...well, it's only 13 weeks of my life.
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