First day of my week off and spurred on by word that Julie, Lisa and Jo had run 17.5 miles in my absence yesterday, I knew I had to fit in my long(ish) run today.
Even if it was on my own.
It took me a whole morning of procrastination to force myself out of the front door, but I did it. Left the car at Apperley Bridge and ran along the canal in glorious sunshine feeling quite invigorated. Then through Esholt (where it threatened to rain), up to Guiseley, along to Rawdon and it was here the endorphins kicked in and I decided to extend the run over the originally planned 10.5 miles. So, I carried on running down to the ring road, down Calverley Lane and then back to Apperley Bridge along the canal from Rodley.
It was lovely to be finally running in the light.
I'd been gone 2 hr 20 minutes by the time I got back to the car, which was less than the 2 hr 45 I should have done but I was happy with it nevertheless. I've just mapped it, and reckon it was about 13 miles.
The plan for the week is to run with Lisa on Wednesday afternoon, then running school on Thursday, recovery run Friday, boot camp Saturday morning and long run Saturday afternoon.
No rest for the wicked.
Well done getting out there and doing 13 miles on your own! Brilliant!