Tuesday, 30 March 2010

27th March - False Alarm

I'm currently lying low with my fingers and toes crossed, as I woke up in the early hours of Saturday morning with excruciating pain in my right foot and found I was totally unable to put any weight on it.

Panic set in. For the first time, I had to cancel my scheduled run with Jo which was supposed to be a steady 13 miles - the first of my taper. As I hopped around the house, the catastrophising started. What if it didn't get better and I had to withdraw from the marathon - weeks and weeks of training would be wasted? What would I do with my sponsorship money? Would people think I'd just bottled it at the final hour?

Convinced I'd been sleepwalking and somehow fractured it in my sleep I headed off to minor injuries at Wharfedale Hospital. An x-ray confirmed there was nothing serious wrong with my foot - perhaps I'd just strained it? It seems fine now but I am nervous to run on it just in case.

At last Thursday's marathon school training session, Mick reminded us all that getting to the starting line healthy should be the main goal. I think I might have taken the taper a little far, however, given that I haven't run at all since last Thursday! The plan is to go out with Eccleshill tomorrow night (Julie, I hereby commit to being there), then marathon school Thursday night.

I'm not sure it's hit me yet that there's just over a week to go until we're off to Paris!

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