Well, it's taken me a week to come back down to earth from what was one of the best days of my life. Suddenly, I understood what all those months of hard training had been for..like a eureka moment 'ah, so that was what it was all about!'.
Excitement gave way to nerves on the morning of the marathon and the silent dining room at our hotel full of would-be marathon runners confirmed that I was not alone. Walked to the start line with James at about 8am, with the Champs Elysees as I have never seen it before. Thousands of runners milling about, some warming up and others just waiting in nervous anticipation.
Towards the Arc de Triomphe, I found my pen amongst other runners hoping to run a similar time. In what felt like minutes, I heard 'cinq seconds...departe!!' We were off! Erm, only we weren't as it took me 15 minutes to get to start line due to the sheer number of runners.
In fantastic sunshine, I crossed the starting line just before 9am and headed down towards Place de La Concorde, past the Bastille, at mile 4, where my mum and sister had said they would be. Searched frantically amongst the sea of faces to no avail, so carried on towards Chateau de Vincennes, a totally stunning building and another reminder that I am running a marathon in Paris!
Running through the Bois de Vincennes, we looped round at about mile 11, when I received a text from my sister (modern marathon running!) saying we're waiting just after mile 14 at the Bastille. Right, just three miles to go then before I see some familiar faces. It really spurred me on knowing that my family were going to pop up sporadically throughout the marathon - it broke down the endless miles into more manageable chunks.
I loved the feeling of running in a crowd, and this marathon felt really international, with runners from France, the UK, the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Germany...the list was endless. As we entered the various tunnels, including the notorious Pont de l'Alma tunnel, runners sang and chanted together in a universal language. This was truly a shared experience.
I knew the British Heart Foundation supporters would be there at mile 18, but better than that, as I turned the corner, suddenly to my left loomed the Eiffel Tower. It really doesn't get any better than that. Lots of cheering from the BHF reps spurred me on, as did the fact that I have now raised £660.50 with final donations from Liz & Chris, Lesley, Chris R, Lindsey, James Mc and Ed - thank you so much all. At this point, I was on top of the world.
Next support was coming at mile 22, I was informed by another text at mile 19. Right, 30 minutes I thought but I realised I was losing pace at this point because it took me a good 40 minutes to get there. I knew I was starting to lose form and made a conscious effort to pick up my feet which were starting to hurt like hell. I managed a weary high five to all three, as I ploughed on towards the Bois de Boulogne. Just four miles to go!
I knew by this point, there was no way I was going to make my secret target of sub 4h30 by now I really just wanted to get to the end without stopping. Somehow, I missed the mile 24 marker so I had no idea when I was so near the end. Several supporters had shouted 'courage Sophie!' as I'd been running previously and I kept repeating this as I willed myself on.
Turning a corner out of the woods, I suddenly realised I was on Avenue Foch and the finish line was in sight. I heard an 'Allez Sophie!' from the sidelines and spotted my family lined up with the crowd. I'd nearly done it! I managed to pick up the pace and surged forward.
Before I knew it, it was over, I'd done it! Stumbling forward, I was given a finishers' t-shirt and a medal. So disorientated, it took me about 40 minutes to find my family, and at one point, I felt I just couldn't walk another step and just sat down on a pavement hoping they'd come.
Meeting up with everyone, the enormity of what I'd achieved began to hit me and, exhausted as I was, I couldn't stop smiling.
I'd done it!! And in 4 hours 35 minutes...I was so happy!
It is so hard to put it into words the thoughts, feelings and emotions I experienced running this marathon. I will remember it always.
So, all that remains for me to do is to thank my fellow training partners, Julie, Lisa and Jo for their immense support over the last three months and wish them the very best in their respective forthcoming marathons...to quote many a well-meaning marshal, 'dig in now Eccleshill, you're nearly there...'